card meanings & free reading


The Devil

The Devil Major Arcana Tarot card.

The Meaning of the Devil
Major Arcana Tarot Card in Readings

The Tarot Devil card meaning in a nutshell:
The pain and delight
of giving in to temptation.

Archfiend — nemesis.

The Book

Tarot Unfolded. Book by Stefan Stenudd. Tarot Unfolded

This book presents all the 78 Tarot card images and their allegorical symbols. Several divination spreads are also explained. The book will help you find your own intuitive way of making inspired Tarot card readings. Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).

More about the book here.

       The Tarot Devil is all about temptation and how we're often enslaved by our lust. There are many other devils, pointing to other vices and weaknesses of mankind. This one focuses on sexual aspects, which makes it much less frightening.

       At the time of the production of this Tarot card deck, the beginning of the 20th century, lust was generally regarded as a sin, and sex was shameful — at least out of wedlock. Times have changed, though not completely and not everywhere. Still, modern society usually has a much brighter view on the sexual urges and their satisfaction than what the picture on the Tarot Devil card implies.

       There are indeed many devils, in such a way that the ideas about what the devil signifies varies through time as well as from one congregation to another.

       The fallen angel of the Old Testament usually tried to expose people as not being that very devoted to their god. Sin was to deviate from the path man was supposed to travel. When the praise of chastity grew in the monasteries and around them, as a way of remaining faithful to God, so did the condemnation of lust and sex. A good Christian was supposed to deny carnal instincts and become spiritual, almost as if leaving the body already in this life.

       In such a world, the Tarot Devil would be the one tempting people to give in to their carnal desires. But there have been different views of the devil as well as of what is sin.

       Goethe in his Faust made the devil a clever guy who revealed people's hypocrisy, thereby sort of doing God's work. Occultists in the early 20th century and onwards, such as Aleister Crowley of The Golden Dawn, saw the devil as a representation of the necessity to liberate oneself of inhibitions, in order to realize one's full potential as a human being. That devil was sort of a challenger.

       In comparative religion, the devil is definitely what's called a trickster, a divinity acting as sort of a mediator between gods and men, often working for the benefit of the latter against the will of the former. A revolutionary of sorts.

       As for the image of the devil, which we are quite familiar with, its inspiration is bound to come from Greek and Roman mythical creatures, such as Pan, the Fauns, and Satyrs. The horns are there, the goat legs too. Also, Pan and the others are notoriously lustful and uninhibited in the myths – the very opposite of what the Bible seems to preach.

Pan and Daphnis. Roman copy of a Hellenistic sculpture.
Pan and Daphnis. Roman copy of a Hellenistic sculpture.

       But back to the Devil portrayed on this Tarot card. He sits like a ruler of the enchained woman and man, who also have horns on their heads, albeit small ones. That makes them wilfully enchained — two persons giving in to their temptations.

       The Tarot Devil card should be compared to that of the Lovers, who are guarded by an angel and who seem to remain in chastity. It's Eros against Agape — carnal love against spiritual. This Tarot deck condemns the former and praises the latter. But life would cease to exist without both.

       So, the Tarot Devil is not necessarily a card about evil things happening. It's about temptation and satisfaction, lust and passion and boundless delight. It's about challenging one's limitations and inhibitions, daring to question established morals, revolting against prejudice.

The Devil Card as a Person

When the Tarot Devil card represents a person, it's somebody behaving in the above described devilish way — uninhibited and tempting. It's the kind of person you know you'd do best to stay far away from, but that's not easy.

The Devil Card as an Event

When the Devil card represents an event, it's an opportunity to let go of your inhibitions and satisfy your lusts, explore what you have not dared to before. Of course, as always with the Devil, there is a price. Be prepared to pay it, once you have followed your impulse. The Devil card asks the question: Do you dare to fall for temptation, and if not — do you have the strength to resist it?

The Devil Card as You

If the Tarot Devil card's position in the divination spread refers to you, it is because you have done away with many of your inhibitions and act upon your lusts and longings, even when others might be upset or even condemn it. You are sort of devilish — be it for long or just for the moment, depending on the position of the card and the question you might have asked in the divination. Well, have fun while it lasts. It should be invigorating.

A. E. Waite about the Tarot Devil Card

Click the header to read what A. E. Waite had to say about the Major Arcana Devil Tarot card symbolism and meaning in divination.

The Major Arcana Tarot Cards

  1. The Magician

  2. The High Priestess

  3. The Empress

  4. The Emperor

  5. The Hierophant

  6. The Lovers

  7. The Chariot

  8. Strength

  9. The Hermit

  10. Wheel of Fortune

  11. Justice

  12. The Hanged Man

  13. Death

  14. Temperance

  15. The Devil

  16. The Tower

  17. The Star

  18. The Moon

  19. The Sun

  20. Judgement

  21. The World

  22. The Fool

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Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

What the horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology.

Life Energy Encyclopedia. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Life Energy Encyclopedia

Qi, prana, spirit, pneuma, and many other life forces around the world explained and compared.

Archetypes of Mythology. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Archetypes of Mythology

Jungian theories on myth and religion examined, from Carl G. Jung to Jordan B. Peterson.

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction. Stefan Stenudd

About me

I'm a Swedish author. In addition to fiction, I've written books about the Tarot, Taoism, astrology and other metaphysical traditions. I'm also an historian of ideas, researching ancient mythology. Click the image to get to my personal website.
