card meanings & free reading
Tarot Swords![]() The 14 Cards of the Tarot Swords Suit and Their MeaningsSwords Archetype: Action — the force of intention. Swords correspond to Spades in a regular deck of cards. Their Greek element is fire. They stand for forceful action, power, and firm decision. In the four classes of feudal society, this suit is linked to that of the aristocracy, the warriors and rulers.
When a Swords card appears in a reading, its message is about action needed or already commenced, drastic change because of necessity or circumstance, ambition, competition, defense, and other things that demand resolve and bold activity. Here are the 14 cards of the Swords suit and what they mean in Tarot card divination (click the card image to see a larger version of it): Ace of SwordsThis is an exclamation mark, here for the principle of stern action. There is imminent need of it. Do something.
ArchetypeDrastic change of action.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardTwo of SwordsWhere to go when both directions are risky and still haste is called for? You must decide although you can't be sure.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardThree of SwordsDoes everything work against you, is there no way to go without getting hurt? Take no step before heeding the warning.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardFour of SwordsNot every hero won the battle, but it's still heroic. Treasure how your action will be remembered.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardFive of SwordsBetrayal when the battle is over. Time to ask what the battle was really for.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardSix of SwordsA most costly outcome of a big venture. Either bitter defeat or a Pyrrhic victory. Still, you will persevere.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardSeven of SwordsBetrayal right before the decisive battle. It may not lead to defeat, but victory is suddenly more distant.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardEight of SwordsHelplessly in the hands of others, who seem to show little compassion. Cause for apprehension, but not panic.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardNine of SwordsRegret of choices made and anxiety of choices urgently needed to be made. There's no way out of responsibility.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardTen of SwordsUtter defeat, probably because of betrayal. You may suffer, but you're not to blame.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardPage of SwordsBravery to the point of being foolhardy, but there's so much more to win than to lose.
ArchetypeAllied friend.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardKnight of SwordsCharging right ahead, whether that's wise or not. That's the spirit by which many battles are won — and lost.
ArchetypeAdvancement in action.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardQueen of SwordsMighty power and the knowledge of how to use it. Victorious even without going to battle.
ArchetypeSettling calamity.
A. E. Waite's description of the cardKing of SwordsThe power of what can't be changed, regardless the outcome of battles. Some things one must accept.
ArchetypeDecisive action.
A. E. Waite's description of the card
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